So you can’t be hypnotized?

So you can’t be hypnotized?

Let’s explore resistance to hypnosis, is there such a thing? And if yes, what causes it?

A lot of people seem to believe that hypnosis is not for them and there is often an impression that it works but on others only. So let’s sort out the true from the false.

But first let’s start with your expectations because they largely define your perception of the session and the results…

What do you expect from hypnosis?

You may have excessive expectations about the state you should be in once in trance. Some people remain very conscious, they are generally those who are rather analytical but not only. Sometimes this can give the impression that not much happened and yet… Your unconscious mind may be moving toward a better future for you already!

Also hypnosis is powerful but it’s not magic, it can greatly help you change when you’re ready. It’s a bit like a Turbo, it gives a big boost to the engine but does not replace it.

The easiest is to compare the results you get after compared to the ones you used to get before. It’s the only way to judge if hypnosis really does help you.
The goal here is to help your unconscious mind shift to more positive mindset, habits… It all feels natural because it all comes from you in the end, the hypnotist is just a facilitator.

Is there such a thing as resistance to hypnosis?

Yes there can be in specific cases and there are two main reasons that may prevent people from being hypnotized:

People who don’t want to enter hypnosis

As we saw in the previous article which explained to you what hypnosis is, we do not lose control in trance. So it goes without saying that a person who does not want to be hypnotized simply will not be. Knowingly deciding to refuse all suggestions is enough for nothing to happen.

It is also possible to get around it mainly if this resistance is unconscious as we can more easily negotiate then.

Mentally impaired people

Hypnosis requires an intense concentration and imagination, so it may be difficult for some mentally challenged people to be hypnotized.

The good news is that, if you want to try hypnosis and if you have normal mental capabilities… you can. 🙂

So almost everybody can be hypnotized?

My one-word answer is yes, allow me to elaborate a bit…

Everybody can be hypnotized but not every time and not by everyone. We have persons we’re naturally more suggestible to, did you hear of rapport?
And even with the same hypnotist, we respond better some times than others, for the first sessions at least.

How to become better at hypnosis?

Practice makes perfect!

Hypnosis is like everything, the more you practice it the better you become so keep going! Give yourself time, observe the results, and assess your expectations.

Practice also helps you improve you ability to focus, to use your imagination and to visualize. Those are very useful skills when it comes to hypnosis.

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